3 Ways CNC Manufacturing Reduces Production Costs

CNC manufacturing gives you a quick and accurate way of creating parts. It could also save you money in production costs. Why might your costs be lower if you use this machining solution?

1. Reduce Your Tooling Costs

CNC manufacturing is a computerised solution. You put your guidelines into a machine's software system; it then guides the machine through the process. If you use a more traditional manufacturing process, then you often have to create specialist tools to do the job. You might need different tools for different parts of the process. Creating the tools increases your costs. If you then find that you've made a mistake or want to tweak your part's specifications, then you'll need a new tool. This just adds to your existing costs. 

CNC machines are much more adaptable. You can simply tweak your specifications on the software. The machine then follows the new instructions. You won't lose time waiting for a tool to be made and you won't have additional tooling costs.

2. Reduce Wastage Costs

The more waste you produce during a machining process, the higher your costs. You'll use more material to make your parts. Some manufacturing processes produce more wastage than others, especially if they need to run materials through various machines. Plus, you might have to factor in human error here. If an operator makes a mistake or takes their eye off the ball, then they might waste more materials.

CNC machines are extremely accurate. They make their cuts, shapes and folds in one streamlined process. This reduces wastage. This highly automated process also needs little input from a human operator. The machine does the work and is far less likely to make mistakes.

3. Lower Labour Costs

If your parts have to go through a few different machines and processes, then your labour costs increase. This is especially the case if an operator has to guide the machine to work on your parts. You might need skilled personnel for some jobs.

CNC manufacturing machines don't need much manual input. Once the software is set up and the materials are in place, the machine does all the work in one pass. You might need to have someone watching over the process, but in most cases, the machine can work on its own once someone starts it off. This reduces labour costs.

To find out more about how CNC manufacturing can reduce your parts production costs, contact CNC manufacturing professionals.

About Me

Jan's Industrial Blog

Hello! My name is Jan. Last year, my son got a job at a local industrial plant. I was so pleased for him. He had been looking for work for some time. Thankfully, he loves his job. So much so, he comes home from work and spends hours talking to me about the things he has learnt. My son has inspired me to find out more about his job and the wider industrial sector. I have learnt so much stuff, I decided to start writing this blog so I had a place to collect my thoughts. I hope you like my job.


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